HaaS - Moving
A robust search engine within the HaaS application that allows participating residents to search for a new apartment from participating property owners.
My Role: Design
Multifamily residents who use HaaS and their lease is going to end within 60-90 days and have decided to do one of two things:
Decide they are not going to renew their lease for another year
Kick the tires and discover what other properties have to offer for lease terms, apartment space and pricing and availability.
Renters are increasingly searching online for their new apartment through internet listing services, a property website, social media or etc. With that in mind, we decided to find other areas we could create revenue opportunities for owners. How can we do that? By providing participating owners a front row seat in more simple and targeted search experience for residents who use HaaS.
After time spent working with the VP of HaaS and the Director of Product: HaaS, on their business requirements, their rough wireframes and scope of work, I determined that we would not be able to execute and deliver the feature in June 2021. Because of that, I had strategically pitched how we could redesign our current day “community search” widget to deliver a polished search experience that was being requested.
The current day “community search” widget had 90% of the data needed for engineering. For the design we updated the look, included the home sharing data and created a user journey that was more inline with how renters search and shop for an apartment. We saved engineering 4 weeks of time. And finally for our executive stakeholders we saved them engineering cost and delivered a product enhancement that is now being used across all products that will have a “search / moving” engine included.